"Volt, the party that undermines EU democracy," by Anna Koolstra

MA student Anna Koolstra published an article in Le Monde Diplomatique on Volt, a new pan-European party that is committed to Europe. Koolstra, however, questions just how committed they really are, and how useful - or damaging - their position is.

May 23, 2019

MA student Anna Koolstra has published an article in Le Monde Diplomatique on Volt, a new pan-European party that is committed to Europe. Koolstra, however, questions just how committed they really are, and how useful - or damaging - their position is.

As she argues, "Volt’s approach does the opposite: by combining populist and technocratic rhetoric to propagate a peculiarly post-ideological form of politics, Volt could further undermine the EU’s fragile democracy. (...) It is the struggle between competing political interests that has also been lacking at the European level. (...) Up until now that political discussion has hardly taken place. As a result of endless referendums, being ‘in’ or ‘out’ has dominated the political discourse. For the union to serve its citizen in today’s complex world, we need Europe-wide discussions in which we argue over our interests and values until we reach an agreement on what we stand for."

Click here to read her article: https://mondediplo.com/outsidein/volt-technocratic-populists