Columbia-EUI Exchange
Through the European Institute, Columbia doctoral students working in international and European history are able to spend up to a semester in the Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute in Florence. The exchange agreement is an opportunity for Columbia students to work informally with EUI faculty on their dissertation research.
Columbia students are expected to work independently at the EUI, but may attend lectures and seminars and seek the advice of EUI scholars. Each student is assigned a member of the EUI faculty as advisor. They have the same privileges in the library and elsewhere as EUI doctoral students.
Candidates for the exchange must be doctoral students in the Department of History. During the exchange they remained enrolled at Columbia and are responsible for applicable Columbia tuition and fees. At the EUI they are responsible for health-services charges and fees incurred by the EUI in arranging visas. The Columbia-EUI agreement does not provide for travel or living expenses. Columbia may send up to one student to the EUI per semester.
Interested students should discuss their plans with a member of the faculty specializing in European history. The Europeanist faculty forwards nominations to the European Institute. For further information contact the Associate Director François Carrel-Billiard.