Affiliated Faculty
Naor Ben-Yehoyada
Assistant Professor
Migration, criminal justice, transnational regions, the Mediterranean
Reinhold Martin
History and theory of modern and contemporary architecture
Alexander Alberro
Professor (Barnard)
Modern and contemporary European, U.S., and Latin American art; history of photography
Barry Bergdoll
Modern architectural history, with emphasis on France and Germany, 1750-1900
Michael Cole
European art of the fifteenth through eighteenth centuries, with a specialization in early modern Italy
Noam Elcott
Assistant Professor
History of modern art and media in Europe and North America
David Freedberg
Art and neuroscience; Dutch, Flemish, French and Italian painting of the 16th and 17th centuries
Branden W. Joseph
Post-war American and European art
Kent Minturn
Lecturer and Director of MA in Modern Art: Critical and Curatorial Studies (MODA)
European and American Modernism; History of Photography and Cinema
Keith Moxey
Northern Renaissance art; historiography and philosophy of art history
Bruce Kogut
Governance and corporate compensation; social capital markets and social metrics
Stathis Gourgouris
Literary theory; modernist poetics; Enlightenment thought; pre-Socratic philosophy; contemporary Greek poetry
Karen Van Dyck
Comparative literature (French, German, Ancient Greek, Modern Greek); literary theory; modernity and modernism; poetics
Perry Mehrling
Professor (Barnard)
Monetary economics, history of finance
Sarah Cole
British literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, with an emphasis on the modernist period
Susan Crane
English and French medieval literature and culture
Nicholas Dames
19th-century British and European literature; theory of the novel; history of reading
Jenny Davidson
18th-century British literature and culture; cultural and intellectual history; the contemporary novel
Brent Edwards
African-American and African diasporic literature; 20th-century poetry; Francophone literature; translation theory; jazz
Eileen Gillooly
Adjunct Associate Professor
19th-century British literature and culture; gender and psychoanalytic studies; 19th-century moral psychology; 19th-century British colonial literature and culture
Michael Golston
Associate Professor
20th-century British and American poetry and poetics; the avant-garde; modernism and postmodernism
Erik Gray
Associate Professor
Romantic and Victorian poetry; poetry and poetics; English literature and the classics
Matthew Hart
Assistant Professor
20th- and 21st-century Anglophone culture; contemporary British fiction; history and literature; political theory; visual arts
Marianne Hirsch
Comparative literature (20th-century French, German, British, American); feminist theory, narrative; cultural memory; Holocaust studies
Jean E. Howard
Renaissance literature; history of drama; feminism; new historicism; Marxism
Sharon Marcus
19th-century British and French literature; feminist theory and LGBT studies; urban and architectural history
Edward Mendelson
19th-century British literature; 20th-century British and American literature; narrative; poetry
Julie Peters
Comparative drama and performance, Renaissance through the 20th century; literary and cultural dimensions of the law
Anne Prescott
Professor Emerita (Barnard)
English Renaissance, Anglo-French relations; Renaissance humanism; women in the early modern period
Alan Stewart
Early modern English literature, history, and culture; manuscript studies; lesbian and gay studies
Gauri Viswanathan
Intellectual history; education, religion, and culture; 19th-century British and colonial cultural studies; history of disciplines
Antoine Compagnon
16th-, 19th- and 20th-century French literature; literary theory; history of criticism
Peter Connor
Associate Professor (Barnard)
20th-century French literature; literary theory; contemporary French philosophy; translation; psychoanalysis
Madeleine Dobie
Associate Professor
18th-century French literature; Francophone literature; colonial history
Pierre Force
17th- and 18th-century French literature and intellectual history
Elisabeth Ladenson
19th- and 20th-century French and comparative literature and cultural history
Emmanuelle Saada
Associate Professor
19th- and 20th-century French empire; legal cultures
Joanna Stalnaker
Associate Professor
Enlightenment literature, philosophy, and history of ideas; French Revolution; theater; women writers
Caroline Weber
Associate Professor (Barnard)
18th-century French literature and culture; the Enlightenment; the French Revolution
Mark Anderson
German modernism; contemporary Austrian literature; theory and practice of translation
Stefan Andriopoulos
German and European media history and interrelations of literature and science from 1750 to the present
Claudia Breger
20th- and 21st-century literature, film, and culture; literary, media, and cultural theory; intersections of gender, sexuality, and race
Jeremy Dauber
Yiddish literature of the early modern period; Hebrew and Yiddish literature of the 19th century; Yiddish theatre; American Jewish literature and popular culture
Erk Grimm
Associate Professor (Barnard)
German language and literature; comparative literature; modernity and avant-garde traditions; migration, diaspora, and social justice
Andreas Huyssen
18th- to 20th-century German literature and culture; international modernism, Frankfurt School critical theory; postmodernism; urban culture and globalization
Dorothea von Mücke
18th-century literature; semiotics and aesthetics; psychoanalysis
Harro Müller
History of modern literature and culture from 1750 to the present; theory of literature
Christopher Brown
18th-century Britain; the early modern British Empire; comparative history of slavery and abolition
Elisheva Carlebach
Cultural, intellectual, and religious history of Jews in Early Modern Europe
Charly Coleman
Assistant Professor
History of eighteenth-century France, with emphasis on intersections between religion and Enlightenment thought
Matthew Jones
History of science and technology, focused on early modern Europe and on recent information technologies
Joel Kaye
Professor (Barnard)
Medieval intellectual history; history of economic and political thought; history of science
Adam Kosto
Institutional history of medieval Europe with a focus on Catalonia and the Mediterranean
Mark Lilla
Professor of Humanities
Intellectual history, Western political thought, Western religious thought
Mark Mazower
Modern Greece; 20th-century Europe; international history
Małgorzata Mazurek
Associate Professor
Polish Studies, 19th-20th century East Central Europe, history of social sciences, social history of communism/state socialism
Susan Pedersen
British history; the British Empire; comparative European history; international history
Neslihan Senocak
Associate Professor
Medieval religious, intellectual and social history
Pamela Smith
Early modern European history and the history of science
Michael Stanislawski
Jewish, European intellectual and Russian history
Anders Stephanson
20th-century American foreign relations; history and theory
Lisa Tiersten
Professor (Barnard)
Modern European cultural history; cultural history of capitalism; modern France; feminist theory; gender history; comparative colonialisms
Adam Tooze
Modern history, Germany, economic history, social theory, philosophy of history
Deborah Valenze
Professor (Barnard)
Europe since the Renaissance; Britain since 1600; women and revolution; European poverty; food
Carl Wennerlind
Associate Professor (Barnard)
17th- and 18th-century Europe with a focus on intellectual history and political economy
Irene Finel-Honigman
Adjunct Professor
International finance and economic policy
Seamus O’Cleireacain
Adjunct Professor
International economic policy; European economic integration; US-EU relations; trade policy
Cynthia Roberts
Adjunct Associate Professor
International relations; international security; transatlantic and European security; post-Communist transitions; Russian foreign and military policy
Stephen Sestanovich
Foreign policy; United States; Russia; security; former USSR
Teodolinda Barolini
13th- and 14th- century Italian literary culture
Jo Ann Cavallo
The Renaissance romance epic
Elizabeth Leake
Film, women writers, Holocaust and resistance
Nelson Moe
Associate Professor
19th- and 20th-century Italian history and culture
Konstantina Zanou
Assistant Professor
Mediterranean Studies, intellectual and literary history, Italy, Greece, Ottoman Empire, nationalism
Alexander Stille
International journalism
Patricia Grieve
Medieval Spanish and comparative literature; Golden Age literature
Seth Kimmel
Assistant Professor
Early modern Iberian literature and culture; theories of religion and secularism; history of cartography
Alberto Medina
Associate Professor
18th-century studies; sexual identities and political transitions in Spain and Latin America; pre-war Spain
Wadda Rios-Font
Professor (Barnard)
Spanish literature and culture from 1800 to the present; cultural systems in modern Spanish society; literary historiography and processes of canonization; transatlantic exchanges
Jesús Rodríguez-Velasco
Medieval and Early Modern knighthood; history of the book and reading; medieval political theory; law and culture, Occitan poetry
Alessandra Russo
Associate Professor
Early modern art history and history in the context of the Iberian expansion; theory, practice and display of the arts, 1400-1600
George Bermann
European Union legal studies; French law
Anu Bradford
European Union law; international trade law; international political economy
Bernard E. Harcourt
Contemporary Critical Thought; Political and Social Theory; Penal Law and Procedure; Capital punishment and Sentencing; Surveillance and Security
Katharina Pistor
Law and development; global governance; globalization and finance; property rights; transnational regulation
Charles Sabel
Economics and social organization
Georges Ugeux
International finance; cross border transactions; international business development
Taylor Carman
Professor (Barnard)
19th- and 20th-century European philosophy; phenomenology, existentialism, hermeneutics
Frederick Neuhouser
Professor (Barnard)
18th and 19th century German philosophy; Rousseau; social and political philosophy
Sheri Berman
Professor (Barnard)
European politics and political history; comparative political development; globalization; history of the left
Richard Betts
War and strategy; European security; defense policy intelligence; nuclear weapons; history of the Cold War
Jean L. Cohen
Contemporary political and legal theory; continental political thought; contemporary civilization
Timothy Frye
Contemporary political and legal theory; continental political thought; contemporary civilization
John Huber
Comparative study of democratic processes
Turkuler Isiksel
Assistant Professor
Political institutions beyond the nation-state; Enlightenment political philosophy; constitutional theory; Turkey-EU relations
Robert Jervis
International politics; security policy; decision making; intelligence; theories of conflict and cooperation
David Johnston
Theories of justice; political theory in the liberal tradition; history of political thought
Kimberly Marten
Professor (Barnard)
International relations; international security; politics and security in Eurasia; non-state armed actors and state-building; terrorism and counter-terrorism
Tsveta Petrova
Lecturer in Political Science, MA Faculty Advisor
International relations; European politics; new democracies
Jack Snyder
Crisis diplomacy; democratization and war; nationalism; international relations theory after September 11; anarchy and culture
Nadia Urbinati
Modern and contemporary political thought; democratic and anti-democratic traditions
Euan Cameron
Professor (UTS)
Role and transformations of religion in European society in the later Middle Ages and Reformation periods
Wayne Proudfoot
Contemporary philosophy of religion; religious experience and mysticism; classical and contemporary pragmatism; modern Protestant thought
Robert Somerville
History of Christianity through the Reformation; the medieval Latin Church, the papacy in the High Middle Ages; medieval Latin manuscripts
Frank Miller
Russian language pedagogy; Russian folklore
Cathy Popkin
Chekhov; 19th- and 20th-century Russian prose; literary theory; late 19th-century scientific discourses
Irina Reyfman
18th- and 19th-century Russian literature; cultural history; semiotics of culture; censorship; state service, system of ranks and the status of the writer in Russia
Ivan Sanders
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Central European cultural history; literary translation; postwar East European cinema; Hungarian literature
Tatiana Smoliarova
Associate Professor
18th- and 19th-century Russian and French poetry, literature, theater and visual arts
Alan Timberlake
Linguistics; medieval Slavic literature; Czech literature
Peter Bearman
Network analysis, public health, historical sociology
Gil Eyal
Sociology of expertise, intellectuals and knowledge
Priscilla Ferguson
Cultural sociology; France; dynamics of material culture
Saskia Sassen
Globalization; urban sociology; sociology of transnational processes
David Stark
Economic sociology; sociology of innovation; democratization and organizational change in post-socialist Eastern Europe
Joshua Whitford
Associate Professor
Economic sociology; organizations; theory; political economy; comparative capitalisms; economic geography