EI welcomes back Professor Abram de Swaan, visiting Queen Wilhelmina Professor, for Fall 2016 course on Mass Annihilation

April 01, 2016

The European Institute welcomes back Professor Abram de Swaan, visiting Queen Wilhelmina Professor, who will be teaching a course in the Fall 2016 semester on Mass Annihilation. Professor De Swaan is Emeritus Distinguished Research professor (University Professor) for Social Science at the University of Amsterdam and held the chair of sociology from 1973 until 2001. He was co-founder and dean of the Amsterdam School for Social Research (1987-1997) and afterwards its chairman until 2010.

He will be teaching the course Mass Annihilation in the 20th Century (HIST W4364). This seminar will explore the ‘dark side of Europe’: the succession of genocidal episodes perpetrated during the long twentieth century by Europeans against others and against one another.